Friday 23 December 2011

DECEMBER 23/2011


   First off I would like to apologize for the absence of a column in these past two weeks.  While I normally had written my column post Sundays in the late hours while at work, our business has been showing strong interest as of late.  Obviously I must work before I can play, so the new post dates are Fridays.  (Such as today.  Or, if you are reading this on a different day, such as Friday the 23rd of December.)  On a side note, I may or may not be playing a game of online poker while I write this, and I may or may not be keeping track of all the times I get 7-2 offsuit.  Enjoy the column, and may the force be with you.  (Oh and for those who have messaged me saying comments do not work, I have tweaked a setting so hopefully you can leave comments now if you wish.)


                  No, it's not Jackie Chan

  No doubt you have heard that in the last week, North Korean Dictator Kim-Jong-Il has passed away.  According to sources, Kim Jong Il suffered a heart attack while aboard his train.  While maybe North Korea is not your likely choice for a vacation hotspot, and though North Korea holds no value in the game "Risk", it is safe to say that we as a nation should at least be somewhat concerned of the arising issue.

  Kim Jong Il will likely be succeeded by his son, Kim Jong Un.  While not too much is known about Kim Jong Un's personal life, his role in North Korea is far more established.  He is the son of Kim Jong Il's third wife, and though he is only in his twenties, he has already earned the military title of "Daejang", one that is said to be equal to a General.

  At this point, do North American's need to worry about the fact that a young military leader will now be at the reins of a huge, dominant military? Or will the new leader have changes to bring with his succession?  Only time will tell.  Shortly after the passing of Kim Jong Il, North Korea deployed a test missile.  While it is not confirmed that Kim Jong Un is responsible, this is definitely with intent.  North Korea is trying to posture, stating that the change of leadership will not happen with weakness.  Whatever happens, keep an eye on headlines, as the story of Kim Jong Un will be revealed as his actions progress.

Also in this column:
The Sword of Shannara review (Books)
The return of the absence of Sydney Crosby (sports)


LIFE: In the face of Christmas

  Before we get too carried away, let us make a statement here.  While this column means no offence, this column may contain the word Christmas, and likely it will be repeated.  Many times.  If you have an issue with this, choose to click away now.  Everybody is running around with their politically correct crap, saying we keep stepping on their religion's toes by saying Christmas.  So hold on while I put on my boxing gloves here.

   First of all, I fully understand that North America has changed the face of many holidays.  I get that.  Look at holidays now.  It's almost like every holiday has become about food.  Don't believe me? Look at this.

  Thanksgiving was simply a holiday that evolved from the European Harvest Festivals.  When explorers, such as Martin Frobisher, arrived in town here, he spread the tradition of celebrating the harvest by having a wonderful feast.  In this, they gave thanks to the gods who protected their crops and in turn protected them.  Modern day Thanksgiving?  Turkey. Football.  Perhaps thinking back and taking an opportunity to be thankful for the gifts in your life.

  Halloween?  Used to be a sacred day, where the spirits who have passed were celebrated.  In Germany, they celebrate a version of this called Totensonntag, which loosely translates to "day of the dead".
Now, it's Candy! and costumes, and more candy.

  St. Paddy's Day?  Green Beer.
Valentines Day has candy hearts.
Easter now is represented by a Chocolate laying bunny.
Christmas is now a fat guy who fills a whole bunch of socks with toys and chocolate, and then we celebrate by stuffing our face with baking and more turkey.  This is the only holiday in which we actually leave food for our invented character.

Let this be said.

 Your religion is your religion.  I give no thought as to what you may or may not believe in.  I do not believe you to be any less or more worthy for it.  I do not believe in religion personally, but I am not an atheist either.  For so long have we fought nonsensically over religion.  Religion vs. Religion,  Religion vs. Science, Religion vs. Spirituality.  Enough is enough

  This time of year, regardless of religion, we choose to celebrate.  You decide for what.  Whether it's beliefs, love, does not matter.  I was told as a young child that a man named Jesus Christ was born 2011 years ago, and he grew up to spread messages to us all of faith and love.  On the day of his birth, miracles apparently happened and people from everywhere travelled from afar to see him.  He spread the word of the Lord and used peace as his tool, rather than violence.  He ended up dying on a cross as a symbol of that Peace, a story which even non-believers still know about.

  While I am unsure as to whether or not Jesus really existed, (and I'm not the right person to comment on it), I know that the story of his birth and life has travelled over two millennium to find us today.   While I never went to church, every year at Christmas we still sing songs to instil that love and hope inside us.  Christmas is literally  "Christ's Mass".  We gather amongst family and friends and celebrate that message of love.  It makes no difference as to whether or not you are religious or believe that Jesus really existed.  The fact is that through this story, mankind grew to become something more than a race of vicious intolerable people. That alone is worth celebration.  Even if the story is not true, whoever wrote it had more wisdom than we can appreciate today.

We, as a race of people, live free.  Our nation has many cultures, many beliefs.  We have grown together.  We have attained that peace.  Thank who you want for it, but remember to thank them this Christmas.



  No hockey team breakdown today...this will change to a monthly thing, done at the end of each month.  I find that these columns usually take a couple hours, and to spend another hour every week on that is ridiculous.  Go sharks.

 The annual tournament, the National Open Championships for 5 pin bowling will be taking place in a few weeks.  While I will likely not place on a team, I will be competing.  Here's to me not sucking.

 Did You Hear??? SYDNEY CROSBY is out again, with concussion-like symptoms!  As if we did not see that coming.  You know that commercial where he works in a store and he is selling his own stuff?  I'm pretty sure that is excellent foreshadowing of his future.


Judging by the Cover: Sword of Shannara

  Well I'm thrilled to start writing about the writing that sparked my passion.  As I previously said, Terry Brooks is my favorite writer. While his initial book, "The Sword of Shannara" is not my favorite, it is still very entertaining.

  Have you bought your copy yet?  If not, shame on you.

 "The Sword of Shannara"  is the first book that launches the reader into an unbelievable world.  The story for this first book is very simplistic at first.  Good guy learns he has a big quest in front of him, must travel through land of elves, dwarves, trolls, gnomes, etc.  while being accompanied by a large magical man, all to destroy a large evil being that existed long ago with a magical talisman.  Sounds a lot like Lord of the Rings at first.  However, the similarities stop here.  Upon the arrival of his second book, the reader is captured.  Brooks' depth as a writer show, and as you traverse throughout the stories, you realized why the "Sword of Shannara" was so important to the rest.

  He began to write the Sword in 1967, writing sporadically for the next 7 years.  He had it published in 1974, and he was claimed to be the next Fantasy giant next to J.R.R. Tolkien.  Terry Brooks was indeed inspired by Tolkien, but his language is more modern day and you do not get hung up on the tough language.

In a tribute book to his own writing, called "Sometimes the Magic Works", he writes;
I would set my adventure story in an imaginary world, a vast, sprawling, mythical world like that of Tolkien, filled with magic that had replaced science and races that had evolved from Man. But I was not Tolkien and did not share his background in academia or his interest in cultural study. So I would eliminate the poetry and songs, the digressions on the ways and habits of types of characters, and the appendices of language and backstory that characterized and informed Tolkien's work. I would write the sort of straightforward adventure story that barreled ahead, picking up speed as it went, compelling a turning of pages until there were no more pages to be turned.

 This book is definitely worth the read.

Views Under Review

George of the Jungle

  This hilarious, wildly entertaining movie features Brendan Fraser, John Cleese and Leslie Mann, who all lend a strong hand in bringing this film to potential.  George (portrayed by Brendan Fraser) is a klutzy goofball who enjoys swinging through the air and foliage, at least until he finds himself smacking into a tree.  (There's a joke about the tree's bark being worse than it's bite, but I'll ignore it).   This movie is rich with clever humor and an innocence that you cannot seem to find anymore.  

Creativity- 9/10
Entertaining -10/10
Inspiring- 8/10
Purpose- 7/10

George of the Jungle is rated 86%.  This movie is one you want to watch.

Battle Los Angeles

  This recent story of an alien invasion was a little dry.  It had reminiscent moments of "Independence Day" but on more than one occasion I found myself wishing I was watching "Independence Day" instead.  The plot was almost non existent and the movie did not engage the viewer.  Sad to see Aaron Eckhart have a not very good role.

Entertaining -5/10
Inspiring- 4/10
Purpose- 7/10

Battle: L.A. is rated 58%.  Watch "Independence Day".


 "Dela" (I think I know why the dog howls at the moon)
Performed by Johnny Clegg and Savuka.

This song is actually from George and the Jungle.  It's upbeat tempo and captivating sound creates that feel-good sensation almost naturally.  In the movie it is used as a dancing scene song, and then again at the wedding.  This song just might get you dancing as well.

"Out of my Hands"
Performed by Matthew West.

  This song is a christian ballad that is truly impressive.  The viewpoint is of a man who surrenders his troubles and let's go of control.  I love how he does not directly bring in God, so as not to offend others, as this also allows people to listen and connect freely.  I found myself really connecting to this song, and if you are in need of something light and beautiful right now, I would recommend this instantly.

"Down Under"
Performed by Men at Work.

 Probably the catchiest song I've heard in ages.  This one is still stuck in my head.  Very neat, very catchy.  Only problem is you will have to google the words because most people only know the sounds.  What the hell is a vegemite sandwich anyway?


Monday 5 December 2011

*UPDATE* December 5/2011

Game....Not Over

  Our feature story tonight comes from Montreal, where two young boys are being credited for saving a young boy's life, simply from playing a video game.  While their names will not be posted to help protect identities, the heartwarming story can be read about in newspapers and online columns alike.  
 The young boys in the story had often played the same video games.  They became facebook friends and grew closer.  The other boy, who lives across the Atlantic Ocean in the small country of Belgium, began to mutilate his wrists and admitted to have swallowed a toxic substance. All of this supposedly had happened after his girlfriend left him.  The two boys had spoken with one of their mothers and proceeded to inform the Montreal Police.  Authorities in Belgium were notified, and were able to reach the young man in time.  One of the young heroes had written these words on the other's facebook page, "You might hate me now, but maybe one day you will thank me."  

Also included in this issue: 

MELTDOWN!(Life Section)
Trilogy song from Chris De Burgh under review (Little Ditties)
Flames burn out Oilers in battle of Alberta (Sports)


 Life: Meltdowns and Meaning

  Our feature story will influence the further parts of this column, as the world will need stories like this to spark another Christmas season.  As Christmas looms closer, pull your families close.  Remind friends of their importance to you.  Reflect on the past year and the treasures and lessons it brought you.  

 Give yourself a gift this Christmas.  Take some time to address yourself.  What is it that is blessed in your life at this moment?  What is working for you?  What problems do you currently have that need fixing?  What is missing in your life?  

 This past week has been challenging.  Normally I do not want my personal life intertwined with this column, but this will be one exception.  For everyone that knows me, I am currently working two jobs.  I work every day of the week, sometimes at both jobs in a day.  This has been my life for over a year.  It is not a lifestyle I regret, as it brings me a life I enjoy.  I have my own place, a cat who is both lovely and irritating, and an abundance of things that improve my standard of living. I love and enjoy both of my jobs. While days off are few and far between, I have grown accustomed to this lifestyle. While it may not always be in perfect balance, I am content with my life.

 Or at least, I was.  My list of things to do with Christmas approaching is growing rapidly.  My apartment still lacks a tree, presents are awaiting my purchase in a multitude of stores, and free time to accomplish these feats is definitely not a limited supply. Now, believe me, I am not naive enough to believe I am the only one with a busy month ahead.  Yet this past weekend has brought a new perspective to the oncoming Holiday.

  This weekend was incredibly different.  Having been short-staffed at one place of work, and having a really busy day at the other,I was definitely not in the cheeriest of moods.  I was tired, emotionally drained, behind on everything, and grumpy. Dear world, it would be best to avoid me in this state.  Having finished at one job for the day, my night would be spent at the other job.  I rushed over in a flurry of frustration and snow, and got settled for another busy night.

  Apparently my expression must have shown what I was feeling, because a good friend and co-worker of mine stopped and asked me if everything was alright.  Now, I'm going to say that emotions do not make me uncomfortable.  I believe honesty and truth to be important, and do not view tears from anyone as weakness.  However, I was as surprised as anyone as everything let go in that moment.  I teared up in the middle of work, pressed from everything going on.  I could not even think as to why it all was coming out.  Only one thing was for certain: I was not in good shape, and my body was telling me whether or not I had time to listen.  I couldn't fight the tears at all.  I was having my first official meltdown.  Wonderful.

  Since then I've given myself both time to rest and time to reflect.  This pace has been my life for so long.  I've kept myself so busy for so long that it all seems normal.  So what now?  I have now realized with a disgusting amount of clarity that a change is needed.  My life needs some attention, and no small amount is going to be enough.  It is not enough to get caught up on chores.  It is not enough to get my to-do list done.  It is not enough to be ahead of the game. Work is work. My apartment is only that. All of those things in my life are superficial and lack true purpose. Accomplishing all of that accomplishes nothing if I look at it hard enough. 

What I really need is to integrate purpose into my life.  What I need is a plan. 

  So this week, I will be formulating that said plan.  Writing to you all about it helps to solidify that.  My plan will be how to enrich my own life, and will allow me to bring forth the brilliance I am desiring.  I wish to create and inspire.  So while I am designing and reshaping my life, you are welcome to join as well. 

 Does your life contain passion? Are you caught on a ride that in both incredible and breathtaking?  Can you recognize the blessings in your life with ease?  Or, perhaps, are you also caught in the hectic cycle of December? Do you need to slow down and let things sink in? 

Does it even feel like Christmas?  Not for me so far.  Christmas is a time for Miracles.  So, I'm going to provide a miracle for someone else.  That would create both spirit and that purpose that I'm striving for.

 To be alive is one thing.  To Live is another.  What will it take?



Burn-out: Oilers lose to Flames in Battle Of Alberta 

 The Calgary Flames have tremendous success when playing rival Alberta team, the Edmonton Oilers.  Kiprusoff alone has won against Edmonton eleven out of the past twelve times.  They put yet another tally up with this past game, a 5-3 win.  While the struggle of the Flames is no secret, they continue to dominate against our northern Alberta brethren.
Rafael Nafal wins Davis Cup 
Canada beats U.S.A. at the 2011 World Sledge Hockey Championships
 Well, other than that, nothing really shines through as notable for sports, other than Bisping totally destroying Miller, much to my delight.

Here Comes the Hockey ranks for the week:
1. Wild (+6) Last week was 7th place, large climb this week. Congrats to the surprise team of the year thus far!
2. Penguins (-1) Crosby is back.  Whoopdy-doo.
3. Blackhawks (-1) No surprise that they are still dominating games.
4. Rangers (+7) Like the Wild, huge climb as well. But they are the Rangers....
5. Bruins - No change.  Bruins still playing an offensively sound game.
6. Wings (-2) Small setback only.  Expect the wings to rise again.
7. Flyers (-1) Still good to see Jagr.  This team is still good despite losing big scores to other teams last year.
8. Panthers (+1) Kudos to Florida.  Somehow beat my Sharks.
9. Canucks (+4) Sigh...I preferred them when they were not top ten.
10.Blues (-2) David Perron will be returning shortly.  Good news for Blues.
11.Stars (+4) Nystrom is really heating up.  He deserves the credit.
12.Kings (+5) Thank you for changing up the mediocre performance as of late.
13.Leafs (-10) Yes it is minus TEN. Lost division lead as well as a couple games.
14.Sharks(-4) Grr.  Not good enough.  Signed, your fan Logan.
15.Coyotes(-3) Vrbata and Whitney tied for points. Any bets as to who wins?
16.Sabres (-2) For such a talented team, these guys are really doing nothing.
17.Oilers (-7) Hall is injured.  I'm sure a buddy of mine likes that.
18.Predators(+2) Rinne pulled twice in one week. Wow.
19.Capitals (-1) suck.
20.Senators (+2) Line of Alfie Foligno and Michalek looking pretty sharp.
21.Canadiens(+2) Markov injured....yet again.
22.Avalanche(+3) Insert Sacco Joke Here.
23.Jets (+1) They beat the good teams and lose to crap teams.  What the heck.
24.Devils (-5) Remember when they were Stanley Cup Champs?  They may not.
25.Lightning(-4) You know what...let's just ditto the last comment.
26.Flames (+1) Got owned by Canucks, but don't worry. They beat Edmonton.
27.Islanders(+1) Parenteau to top line. Dipietro Injured...again.  It's a new goalie trend in Long Island.  Beware Montoya, you are next.
28.Hurricanes (-2) These guys come to Calgary soon. It will be on TV, but nobody really cares.
29.Ducks - So Bobby Ryan is off the Trade Block.  In other words, look for him to be traded soon.
30.Blue Jackets - You make me want to cry.


Judging by the Cover:

Terry Brooks

 I was going to be nice for the first few weeks, but here comes the Terry Brooks tribute.  I highly believe Brooks is the King of the Fantasy World.  For many aspiring authors, such as Christopher Paolini (Eragon Series) and Philip Pullman (The Golden Compass), Terry has done more than just inspired them to write.  He has taught them what it takes to truly create a new world. 

 If you have not read Terry Brooks, drop what you are reading.  I will be covering one book a week until both the "Shannara" and "Word and the Void" series are done. Next week I will debut the Terry Brooks Tribute with his initial release, "The Sword of Shannara".
  If you decide to pick up the story, be forewarned.  The first couple books were written a while back.  The writing eventually becomes capturing and mesmerizing, but the first book lacks the full magic of the series.  "Oh Logan, but I liked the first one."  So did I, so prepare for awesomeness.  DO NOT READ THE PREQUEL FIRST.  THE PREQUEL WAS WRITTEN AFTERWARD, AND SHOULD BE READ AFTER THE THIRD INSTALLMENT, "The Wishsong of Shannara".  

I'm excited.  You should be too.

P.S. DAD! Jean M. Auel came out with another sequel to "Clan of the Cave Bear."
It's called "Land of the Painted Caves"


Views Under Review


  Anyone who knows me, knows I hold Disney Movies in high regard.  Lately, it would seem that many of the newer films do not have the same "Disney Magic" as the ones from my childhood.

  Tangled does not share this trait.  Disney's version of the tale of Rapunzel is the first movie in how long that makes me feel like a child again.  Classic musicals mixed with new-age comedy can be found throughout the movie. Characters are both dynamic and interesting.  The thing that grabs my attention the most, however, is the concept.  Rapunzel is fascinated with these glowing lanterns that hang in the sky once a year.  Looking out over the theater, that same fascination could be found in any one of us. Something very innocent and spiritual was at work for this movie.
Creativity- 10/10

"Tangled" is rated at 90%.  This movie is highly recommended.

"Tower Heist"

 This movie was somewhat disappointing.  While Tea Leoni is otherworldly good-looking, Ben Stiller fails to light the stage with this one.  It has funny moments and interesting scenarios, but Eddie Murphy should have played a much bigger role. 

Creativity 7/10
Originality 7/10
Entertaining 8/10
Inspiring 5/10
Purpose 4/10

"Tower Heist" is rated at 62%.  While not terrible, definitely a renter. 


 Amazing movie.  Not just because it launches a supremely good TV series, but also because the concept is groundbreaking.  Historic views get challenged, culture gets reviewed and critiqued, and all in the name of entertainment.  The movie itself starts out slow, but mysteriously.  Then you find yourself with the team traversing an unknown planet.  As soon as you start to realize what is going on, another spin occurs, and you find yourself face to face with "Ra", the Egyptian Sun God. Coupled with the series, you do not want to miss this one.

Creativity 10/10
Originality 9/10
Entertaining 10/10
Inspiring 8/10
Purpose 9/10

"Stargate" is rated at 92%.  You need to give the series a chance.


Track Attack

  Yes the article title changed.  So sue me. I'm almost out of time, so here goes!

  I promised you three songs a week.  This week features three songs, all by Chris De Burgh.  Most famously known for the "Lady in Red", Chris De Burgh is a storyteller musician who is truly captivating.

  Under review is his song trilogy containing three songs, "Revolution" "Light a Fire" and "Liberty".  The three are separate songs, but have intense meaning when played together.

 "Revolution" begins as a song laced with rumors about a rebellion forming.  Quiet and simple, it begins to build until finally at songs' end comes the passion.  As soon as the rally cry begins, the song ends.  Throughout the song, you as the listener, starts to feel the rebellion within you.

 "Light a Fire"  The revolt begins! An intense song begins with the passion and heat that songs just do not have anymore.  Throughout the chorus, Chris De Burgh's immense vocal range and passion form the entire fight. He truly sounds as though he is rallying and leading the men.  

 "Liberty" The fight is over, and the questions begin.  Was it all worth it, or were we swayed by a feeling of something that does not exist?  I believe the most beautiful part is the fact that after 2 verses, this song becomes an instrumental.  This is an instrumental that both builds and allows the song to close.  Closing one's eyes would allow the music to truly let that person's mind to fill in a story. 

Revolution/Light a Fire/Liberty is worth at least one listen.  Even if your not a big fan of storytelling music, the power in this song is formidable.


I'm out of time. Thank you so much to everyone reading this column. 
For a small, private project that started just a couple weeks ago, we are nearly at 100 views already.  Many thanks!