Friday 11 May 2012

*UPDATE* MAY 11/2012


  Today's issue is all about things that rock!  These past couple weeks have been pretty interesting to say the least, and full of opportunity and inspiration.  For those of you just catching up here, I have finished my term at one of my main jobs and had the intention of settling down at my other one, allowing myself to catch up with my life and getting things into balance.  Current goals involve working out a whole lot more, writing a lot more, and connecting more with the friends that I lost over the past few years. 

  So funny story...The exact final day of my one job was spent with a good buddy of mine.  We went to see Wrath of the Titans after a long day.  (Wrath of the Titans is reviewed later.)  Then we went to Denny's, and then I prepared for the graveyard shift at my now-fulltime shift.  To my dismay, I have lost my gaming license that allows me to work there, so I was looking at a four day streak of not working. 

  After two and a half years of working every day, you'd think this would excite me.  However, by the second day I was shaking.  I had no clue what to do...I had no idea that I was so revolved around work.  So I am making sure I devote myself to a little better of causes with my time.

In this issue:-Wrath of the Titans Review
-Marvel's The Avengers Review
-Calgary Concert coverage
-Some big news!


  Rock of Ages:

    Wrath of the Titans was definitely better than the original movie in my opinion.  Clash of the Titans, while having it's moments, was definitely forgettable.  The characters were not too well drawn, the plot was dry at times, and the build up to the ever famous "RELEASE THE KRAKEN" resulted in a nice big monster than died within minutes. 

  Wrath of the Titans had a much better foundation.  A large piece revolving around Hades's banishment by Zeus leads to Hades trying to resurrect Kronos, the fallen titan.  Our hero once again must work his way through mythical tales, including the tale of Cyclops, and Theseus and the Minotaur.  Bill Nighy guest stars as Hephaestus, and did a fine job at that.

  The acting was satisfactory, and the plot was sustainable.  Yet in order to have a successful movie, you must have something that other movies do not.  For Wrath of the Titans, this showed up in it's key 3D effects.  Most 3D movies have a few good moments, and then it seems they forget about the 3D aspect.  With Wrath, the entire movie focused on these aspects.  I felt small looking up at Kronos, could feel the depth of the underworld, panicked when I was about to be crushed in the labyrinth, and ducked when lava flew over top of me.  All in all, Wrath of the Titans receives a passing grade. 

  For Those About To Rock:

  I have three pieces of cheap paper confetti in my pocket.  Please do not ask me why I have kept them, but it is a way of remembering the concert that rocked my world Wednesday night at the Saddledome.  Now, I was never too big of a Kool and the Gang fan, but these guys were good.  They didn't feel like most warm-up bands, having a very charismatic and original performance.  The crowd was surely entertained as they scrapped the norm of playing a set of about eight songs, and chose to draw some of their hits for elongated versions, including Ladies Night and Get Down On It.  Ending with their trademark song "Celebration" the entire place joined in on the party.  Little did I know, this was going to become a microcosm of the concert. 

  Shortly after, I found myself becoming a little excited for the concert to begin.  Not being a very huge fan, I had no idea what to expect.  I knew this coming group was good, but I myself only knew about five of their songs.  Once a pinnacle name when it came to rock, it could very much be a flop performance.  But who knows.  Interestingly enough, the roadies are putting a huge piece of hardwood down with some dust on it. 

 Now please understand, I have never followed this group.  So if you find yourself saying "No duh, Logan" I have claimed full ignorance and therefor have immunity. 

 The lights go off: Cue........... Van Halen.

  I am immediately taken aback by the fact that only four musicians take the stage.  Where are the backup guitarists, the keyboards, the backup singers, concert instruments, etc.?  Surely they do not mean to play an entire concert with four people.  And they did not...they rocked the concert.  It was so good that I needed to go get a Van Halen t-shirt. 

  The first song allowed me to get to know the band.  On drums was the only drummer they have ever known, Alex Van Halen.  This guy, while definitely showing his age, beat those drums senseless.  He had a very rough demeanor, but at the same time very humble.  He had a drum solo that owned any previous drum solo I've seen in my life.  On bass was Van Halen's newest member, Wolfgang Van Halen.  Bass guitars are tough to play-the strings are thick, the sounds are not the same, and bass guitarists don't make waves like guitarists do.  Nonetheless...his bass guitar could sing.  This guy was impressive.   He definitely takes after his father.  If you are like me and didn't know, Wolfgang's father is Eddie Van Halen.

  I used to play guitar when I was younger.  I played in front of my school when I was about 9-10 years old, before passing it up.  Getting the attention after my concerts, I used my guitar playing to win people, instead of playing it because I loved it.  Hard lesson at that age, but I stopped playing regardless.  If I could have seen Eddie Van Halen back then, I'd have a guitar in my hand right now.  Eddie had a guitar solo that had the length of two songs.  He has a guitar that is very sleek, and proceeds to play it like a piano.  Both hands go on the frets, and a lightning quick guitar comes out, with a very Van Halen sound. 

  Then he sits down, and his guitar begins to scream.  He even taps the strings for a harmonics solo, which is unheard of for me.  He then stands back up, and shortly after begins a huge section that sounds very echoey-in a good way.  It's like an underwater concert with a bassoon.  This is why they don't need concert instruments, Eddie plays them all.  He ends the solo with a bang, and it's the crowd that erupts-I'm pretty sure it could just be Eddie Van Halen using his guitar as a mind control device to get us to scream, but I'm bowing down in worship anyway.

Here's the video, be careful...this contains large quantities of awesomeness...this video is from Van Halen's dress rehearsel at the Forum.

  Lastly, Diamond David Lee Roth.  I couldn't really understand how Freddie Mercury was ressurrected and now the frontman for Van Halen.  The hardwood was for him.  He obviously was much wilder when he was young, but he was still very entertaining.  His shirt sparkled so much that you could see it in the black and white screen behind him.  Now, the Calgary Herald trashes him, saying he is much like Ilya Bryzgalov, being the main guy with a good team and letting them down.  I suppose if what my mother says was true, Roth was awesome back then.  He lacked his youthful energy and wasn't the same.  I blame that on the account that they had much better drugs back then.  Maybe that was the gift in not being a Van Halen fan, I could take the concert at face value.  I enjoyed his antics, and was thoroughly entertained.  There was one moment when I thought it was getting old about two hours in, and this video of an old border collie comes onto the screen.  My favorite dog was a border collie, and Roth comes out with an accoustic guitar and tells us about his two dogs.  There goes my feeling of his act being washed up.  He tells us about how he has only trucks in his garage and he enjoys his dog's company, and his experience with sheepherding competitions.  Having primarily country as my music preference, this switch was both refreshing and informative.  He makes a joke that these sheep in the video were large, hostile, easy to anger, and that they drove cabs in Vancouver for a while. It also turned out the hardwood floor was designated David Lee Roth zone, so he could be crazy and do his slipslidey dance moves in a safe environment away from the guitarists.  I know they say that he is not what he used to be in the papers, but the fact is this: Even what he is know is a far cry better than most frontmen.  If I can go to a concert and be thoroughly entertained by all and only four members of a band, and that band kicks most bands' asses after three songs, kudos are due. 

  Thank you Van Halen, I am now going to think of you every time I see an ice cream truck.

 To be a Rock and not to Roll:

 I do not need to tell you that the Avengers are the hottest thing in the movies right now.  The opening weekend beat Avatar's numbers senseless, and with multiple films building toward this epic feature, everyone was optimistic that this movie would reign supreme.  If it didn't, Marvel would be the laughingstock of the comic book world for centuries.  With an immensely ridiculous all-star ensemble cast, a very dynamic antagonist, and a unique storyline, Marvel had the rare opportunity to milk this entire movie for all it was worth. 

  The casting is enormous.  People who had lead roles in their previous movies now have to share time with everyone.  Robert Downey Jr.  returns as Iron Man, ScarJo as Black Widow, Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, Christopher Hemsworth as Thor, Chris Evans as Captain America and Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk.  Samuel L. Jackson returns as Nick Fury, and Tom Hiddleston returns as Loki.  Nobody has been substituted to a role with the exception of Mark Ruffalo, so it's set for fireworks.  On principle, I hate the fact that it was not Edward Norton playing the Hulk.  Many sources have said that Norton did indeed want to reprise his role, and Marvel was working on a deal, but then changed it's mind and went with another actor.  That being said, Mark Ruffalo did a fantastic job filling Edward Norton's shoes.

  I will not spoil anything, except that this entire movie is amazing.  I have seen it twice, and will definitely own it.  It is riddled with action scenes and has very clever comedy worked in throughout.  As with most Marvel movies, a hidden scene at the end of the credits was there, featuring Thanos, who bears the Infinity Gauntlet.  He is immortal, with powers of strength, durability and Telekenesis.  Having a Love for Mistress Death, he wields destruction upon everything.  He is capable of travelling through space-time, and can manipulate time and energy to his own use. 

  This movie also has a second hidden scene at the very end of the credits.  Worth the wait, awesome dialogue.

  I'm not saying anything else.  Go see this movie, Dammit.


   Stepping Stones:

  For those not already aware, I applied awhile ago to doing some journalism piecework for, an online column agency that reports on a wide array of subjects.  Recently a contact representative has expressed their desire to add me to their roster, specifically as Calgary's Local Poker Examiner.  I will be reporting on local poker events, as well as doing news pieces and strategy articles.  This will be my first actual writing job and I am very proud to be a part of this, especially when it relates to a field that I am already involved in heavily.  I realize that unless you as a reader have an interest in poker, you will likely not be too inclined to follow the column.  Regardless, continual thanks is in order.  This column has been used in my application as a type of portfolio, and the number of views is phenomenal.  As this grows, Logan's Letter will still be contributed to.  I appreciate all your support in getting me up and running folks.  Special thanks to Mark, who will be designing a logo that will be the face of the Letter from here on in.

 Chase your dreams folks, because even if you don't quite make it, the ride is exhilarating!

Until next time,