Saturday 20 October 2012


  Yesterday is beautiful.  Not because it was any more or less perfect than today is, but because it is easier to see the beauty in something that has gone away.  The gifts are easier to spot when they are laced in memory.  In the wake of everything that will happen today, today will eventually be lost to us all.  The past has the power to inspire or cripple.  To nourish or diminish.  Only the best and worst memories will live on inside us, and our choices today only seem important once it is too late to make them.

Nothing makes the heart mourn like regret does.
Nothing speaks more truth than silence does.

Nothing brings more joy than innocence does.
Nothing creates a sense of belonging like home does.
Nothing is more humbling than a child.
Nothing is more perfect than a mistake.
Nothing is needed more than hope.

 Do me a favor.  Live today.  Today is not a day that is meant for sitting in front of the TV, or doing homework, or doing chores.  Today is a day of friendship, love, discovery and joy.  Do something that makes a difference.  Do something you enjoyed as a kid, and rediscover how important it is for you to become that child again.  Hug your partner long enough to remember just what it is that you need them for.  Show your kids something amazing that they will never forget.

Today is rare, and it will never be here again. 

Saturday 13 October 2012


                       Calgary Woman Brings Hope For Humans

  An anonymous homeless woman is today's hero, proving that there is still good will to be found in people today.  While her name is unknown, her deed is not.  She had noticed a forgotten purse that was left behind by an unattended vehicle, and contacted authorities in an attempt to return the purse.  The shocking news is that the purse had contained $10, 400, a considerable amount of cash for anybody.  The woman discovered the cash, and promptly went about returning it to it's rightful owner.  She acknowledged that the money would have "made a difference" but she claims that her conscience would never have let her keep it. 

  An Edmonton woman claimed the purse, and has confirmed that all the money was returned, although did not state why she was carrying that much money. 

  While this kindhearted homeless woman was not swayed by greed, she will admit that if the owner of the purse offered her a reward for her generosity, she would gladly accept.  The Edmonton woman has not responded. 

  To which I'll dutifully and objectively put on my scoreboard for the day:

Calgary Homeless Woman : 1 Point
Edmonton Cash-Wielding Dumb-Dumb: 0 Points.