Monday 10 December 2012

*UPDATE* December 9/2012

  Wow..December.  Holy Crap.  It's been a full couple of months, and the general consensus is that many of you guys are in the same boat.  With Christmas only 2 weeks away, I am proud to say I have indeed begun my shopping.  Have you started yours?  This will be my informal Christmas Letter to everyone here in my life that reads or doesn't read this column.  Actually, screw that.  If they don't read, they don't get to know.

  Some updates from my life to yours.  First off, I am finally officially registered to begin my schooling again in January. Should I survive the Christmas season, the world's worst student gets a shot at education redemption.  Good luck to me.  If any readers here will be at Mount Royal, please message me and we shall grab a coffee or a slightly more alcoholic beverage.

  Success!  Only some of you will understand the true value of this next part, but I've delved into some old reading material and uncovered my "Be-Do-Have" model.  Man, this thing has been my Triforce lately..things in my life have started to click as I re-evaluate what it is that I actually want in my life. 

  For those unfamiliar with this model, it is simple.  The key statement is "BE Committed to DO what it takes to HAVE what you want."  For this to work, three questions must be answered:

What is it that you want?
What will it take to achieve this?
What kind of person will this require?

  At this point of my life, I have a large list of wants.  It's important for me at this juncture of my path to finally start focusing on building a life that contains a future for not just myself, but eventually for a wife and kids as well, which is also on my list.  I've remained single for a while and I'm thinking perhaps its time to really start getting back out there.   I have also finally begun rewriting my book, which has been on my to-do list for years. 

  I have also signed up to run a leg of the Sinister 7 race, which is a relay race that travels up and down 7 Alberta Mountains.  Maybe some of them are BC mountains, but whatever.  At this point, I likely will be doing either Crowsnest Mountain or Wedge Mountain, so I'll be trying to get in shape through the spring in preparation for that.

  Movember!  Due to peer pressure I joined the cause this year, starting my Mo' on November 10th.  Congrats to all the ugly, greasy, nasty 'staches that came out into play this year. This was mine...please ignore the beard stubble that appeared on Dec. 1 when I took this!

  Damn hand.  Apparently I do not take good 14-year-old-girl-who-photographs-herself-in-the-bathroom shots.  Anyways, if theres anyone who wants to brag or show off their stache, please shoot me a pic at my facebook page!

  Events are currently being announced for The 2013 World Series of Poker, and I cannot wait.  Hopefully I'll get to play a couple events this year, but we shall see how the spring pans out.  This here is a challenge to all the Deerfoot staff!  So many of you want to steal my Last Man Standing title, but I am not giving it up without a fight!  Two deep runs for the past two years, with a cash last year, and I only want to get better.  Bring it on, Kids!  This year is my year for the 3-peat! (Or perhaps a flameout in my first orbit, but I think positivity is a better prelude)

  If you'd like to join me at the WSOP, but dont want to pay the thousands of dollars for entry fee, let me tell you how you can get a great $12,000 prize package for the WSOP!  You will receive $10,000 in tournament credit (valid for multiple smaller tournaments or you can try your game at the $10,000 main event and you could be the next World Series of Poker Champion, the most lucrative and decorated champion of any series.)  Think about it, your sitting on your mound of bills, suddenly a multi-millionaire, all because you took my advice and read this next piece.  (Hey, don't forget to cut me in if you make it!)

  The World Series Bracelet Run will be returning for a second season at the Deerfoot Casino.  Every Monday night at 6:30 (starting January 14th)  we will be hosting a regular $125 tournament.  $100 will go for the daily tournament pool, and $25 will be put aside to build our WSOP Packages.  A freeroll will determine the package winners.

To Qualify for this Freeroll, one can do any of the following:
-Place First any individual week
-Play in 17 of the 20 weeks
-Earn points and be in the top 20 in the standings. (1 point for final table, and 2 points for each additional cash rank, with a bonus for first.) 

If you win 3 times, or play in all 20 weeks, you will be granted extra bonus chips for the freeroll!
Best of all, I will be directing the tournament monday evenings, so feel free to come in, play some cards, and have some old fashioned fun.

 On another note, to my longtime friends David and Ashley, my thoughts and wishes go out to you...This is a very difficult time and I pray things go up from here. 

Lastly, my Christmas wish ended up coming true from a couple years back.  My childhood was spent quarrelling with my brother, and it seems we were always at odds with each other until we grew older.  As we were both getting older, we realized that we shared the same sense of humor, and while we are two different people, I started to see that he was a true friend, even if we were related.  This will be the first Christmas that I will be celebrating with him again in years, and while it may not be a very conventional way of doing this, I just want to thank nobody in particular for the gift of having him back in my life.  The details are not going to be shared, but I feel grateful for being able to have another chance at being the older brother that I regret not being earlier as we were kids. 

Hold on to your loved ones this Christmas...

If I don't get on here before, have yourself the best Christmas ever.  I see so many posts about "Not in the spirit this year" or "doesn't feel like Christmas"  well, dammit, that's because Christmas is about coming together.  Grab friends, grab family, and do something wonderful for someone.  It's not about a fat guy in a red suit, it's about the World coming together when we choose not to for the rest of the year.  If you give, you receive tenfold.

I love you all, and Merry Christmas!
