Monday 21 November 2011

Logan's Letter Nov. 21/2011

November 21,2011. 

Penguins take to the sky...sort of.

Pittsburgh Penguins star Sydney Crosby cleared for return against the New York Islanders. (Sports)

Also featured: 
*52 Car Pickup:  52 cars pile up in a large-scale crash on the Autobahn. (Current Events)
*"I'm With Fatty" by Edward Ugel reviewed.  (Judging by the Cover)
*A Brand New! look at the new game, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. (Games)

(Note:  Some Pages start next week!)



   Apparently the Nationwide "autopilot" test was not successful earlier today, as 52 cars met on the Autobahn in a violent crash.  Sources at this time have not determined why the crash occurred, or how many injuries and deaths were sustained.  The crash occurred near the Netherlands/Germany border, in a location known as Gronau. To view more, search google or something.

This Sucks
  The final episode of the Twilight Saga is now upon us.  Oh wait, my apologies.  Apparently they are deciding to divide the final book into two movies.  I mean, it's not like any iconic series has done THAT recently....
So once again, I have to watch Tall-Skinny-Guy and Mr. Allergic-to-Fabric-Shirts fight over Kristen Stewart.  Possibly the most intriguing question would be, could one man succeed in drowning himself in theater popcorn?

Disturbing Stories Continue Closer to Home
  Once again the city is abuzz with talk regarding a new case of sexual abuse allegations, this time from a bible camp in Three Hills, Alberta.  In essence, multiple cases are being brought forward in the name of abuse, ranging as far back as sixty years ago.  R.C.M.P. are taking serious steps in their investigations in hopes to both bring relief to the victims, and hopefully put an end to a heinous part of the town's unknown history.

Next 6 Months: Cold....No Need For Weather Page! 

Life: The Power of Intimacy

  Upon writing the past article, so many stories and memories float into the front of my mind.  With Three Hills under investigation, the Penn State Scandal happening, as well as many other cases, it seems our newest battle as a nation has surfaced.  More and more victims have been stepping forward, shedding their fears, and taking the valiant step to move toward an abuse-free world.  So why now?  Why are people in today's society finally speaking out, as opposed to any earlier times? And why is it they are being criticized for coming forward?

   It is because they are asking for help. 

  Sexual based crimes are among the nastiest crimes we can imagine.  Even those of us personally who have not experienced a crime of that sort, can still relate in a certain sense.  In high school, our most awkward moments revolved around sexuality.  Our insecurities lie within that same realm.  Sex can be used as a way of gaining the wrong types of attention, or even as a defense from true intimacy.

  Ever notice how there is a general opinion that all guys want is sex?  It stems from the fact that women are typically quicker to realize what they are looking for.  Guys do like sex, but often they are unable to differentiate between the closeness in sex, and the closeness of intimacy.  Many men out there are having plenty of one night stands, believing they are fulfilling something, yet still caught in that void.  Even males crave relationship.  Go Figure.

  We walk around, engaged into our own world.  Yet, we are oblivious and blind to the fact that those people walking by us on the street, in our apartment buildings, on the bus,etc. are all people who have endured hardships and pain in their own way.  While your backstory in life is different than theirs, the pain you both have felt is very common and similar.  That pain presents itself now as a bridge, an opportunity to connect..

  Next time you are having coffee with a friend, or talking with a loved one, just take time to look into their eyes without speaking.  Notice how, for the most part, when they realize what you are doing, they react uncomfortably?    It is because they too, for whatever reason, are uncomfortable with being totally revealed and seen for who they are.

  A powerful leadership seminar has taught me that intimacy (derived from Into-Me-See) is not built from strength, but vulnerability.  The connection between two people who can sympathize for one another is much stronger and very real. The more we communicate the truth in who we are, the stronger we become.  In these moments, dabbed with humility and honesty, we can truly let the light within us shine.  We shed the reason to hide. 

These victims are not just telling a story of a painful event, they are asking for us all to listen.  They are showing bravery in the face of their fear.  They have opened up to the world with a story that could very well entice bullying, threats, embarrassment, ridicule, etc.  They are letting that light within them tell us who they are, and it serves them to let go of the shame and pain at the same time. 

  Next time you read an article such as the one above, pay close attention.  What measure of bravery would it take for YOU to make your darkest secret public for all the world to see?



  The Return of the Kid.  It is easily the biggest story in hockey.  He is cleared to return to play the New York Islanders early this week.  Somehow, the man who has not registered a single point in 10 or so months is the talk of the town.  Now, the Pittsburgh Penguins are enjoying a high-flying trip around the top of the Eastern Conference at the moment.  Will that change with Crosby's return?

  Our non-expert expert opinion says yes.  The Penguins hot streak will actually diminish with Crosby's return.
A combination of the lines being shaken up and the extra media attention will put pressure on the Pens.  Not to mention every tough guy out there will be out to take Crosby off the ice again.

  Next week's edition will have a more indepth look at what is happening around the league.


Song/Movie Reviews to Begin Next Week!


 Judging by the Cover: Book Review

"I'm With Fatty"  Author: Edward Ugel

  Have you ever wanted to lose weight?  Yes, me too.  Problem is, most weight loss material is complete and utter crap.  The books themselves really do not have any merit to reading, as most reading tends to lead to not acting on the presented knowledge. 

  This book however, is a fresh, funny, breathtaking look at the true struggle of losing weight.  That's not all.  It also shows the mind of a man struggling with a severe addiction to food, as well as his memoirs of his personal goal to lose 50 pounds in 50 weeks.  (Aptly dubbed, "The Fatty Project")

  Rather than arm you with silly recipes and bad routines, this book serves up comedy as an alternative.  I'm pleased to say it both inspires and teaches in more ways than I've experienced in any sort of self-help book.



Legend of Zelda's newest addition reaching new heights

  So, truth be told, I am exhausted.  My average Sunday consists of working all day with screaming kids, going home for a couple measly hours nap, going to work the graveyard shift Sunday night in a very low-energy atmosphere, then heading to work Monday afternoon.  It is not recommended, but such has been my life as of late. 

Damn you, Zelda.  I had full intentions of sleeping for my 3 hours, until the bright gold triforce on my Wii-Mote caught my attention.  So, I hope you enjoy this review of the beginning, because I'm too tired to care if you do not.

Without spoiling anything, the game is actually entertaining.  Since I played Twilight Princess on Gamecube, not Wii, using my wii-mote for a controller was a lot of fun.  Swinging a sword around, then holding it up to the sky brings a certain childlike imagination back to video games.  It also brought a very incredulous look from my cat.
The game has a new type of style, reminiscent of Ocarina of Time.  Remember how in awe you were?  That's this game.  Your new pet, (not a horse) can be used in a very unique way, and the freedom so far matches that of Wind Waker.

  Definitely get this game, it's my only recommendation.  Wait, I have another one!  Tell Groose he has nice hair. (You'll understand later)  This will spark the greatest line ever from a video game. 



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