Monday 28 November 2011

*UPDATE* November 28/2011

                            WIND AT MY BACK

 The weather is often a hot topic when dealing with a stranger, or perhaps that awkward person who you know but cannot remember their name for the life of you.  However today, it proved to be a legitimate reason for conversation. Winds tore through Calgary today, reaching speeds up to 91 km/hr.  Outside the city, they peaked at nearly 130 km/hr.  

  The city had engaged the Municipal Emergency Plan in hopes to help protect the citizens in danger of being affected.  People were advised to stay clear of any windows as a safety concern.  Traffic was closed in the downtown area, and C-trains were temporarily shut down.

  Buildings endured the worst of the storm.  Windows shattered with the high wind speed, pouring debris and glass down to the streets below.  Trees fell on top of houses, and the roof even blew off of a house in southwest Calgary.
 Dear Chicago; You have nothing on usExcept maybe a better hockey team...
Lions Surprise Bombers- B.C. wins 34-23 in the Grey Cup Final.

  You would not have thought so, but it was British Columbia hoisting the 99th Grey Cup this year.  The team had a rocky start, going 0-5 to start the season.  No doubt this will piss my grandmother off, who has been a fierce Blue Bombers fan since, well, since they've started to suck.

Blog writer has to eat his words after Sydney Crosby returns with a bang.
  Believe it or not, Crosby has come back.  Last weeks article included my personal thoughts on how Crosby and the Penguins would fare with this news.  The opinion stated was that the High-Flying Penguins would have their wings clipped a little, having lines shuffled and all the media attention.  Regrettably, the Pens came out of the gate soaring, leaving me to ponder my future as a sports fan.  (Fear not, Crosby.  I will still find reasons to chew you out!)

From Best in the League to the Worst, here is a recap of this weeks happenings
1. Penguins-Crosby Returns, Pens go 3-0-1 since return.  Hot damn.
2. Blackhawks-Should stay out of Alberta
3. Leafs-Really refreshing to see the Leafs start out so well.
4. Wings-Datsyuk finally showing some edge, Wings may finally be out of the mud.
5. Bruins-Defending cup champs just ended their 10-game winning streak.  Not a bad showing.
6. Flyers-Is anyone else remotely excited that Jagr is back?  I feel like I'm 11 years old again.
7. Wild-Really hoping they can continue to perform. 
8. Blues-Backes is starting to heat up.  Thank god.
9. Panthers-A nice surprise to see this high up.  Theo looking good, and Fleischmann had his clock cleaned.
11.Rangers-Glad to see my buddy's rangers right below my team.  Makes me happy.
12.Coyotes-Vrbata lighting the way early on for Coyotes.  Take Notes, Whitney.
13.Canucks-Brings me so much joy seeing them this far down!
14.Sabres-They have such a good team...but they lose so many more games than they should.
15.Stars-Stars are seeing stars lately.  Seems like a week ago they were on top of the league.  Lehtonen, Daley and Fiddler are all out with Injuries now.
16.Oilers-Actually it is pretty exciting watching the young kids play and beat the old guys. 
17.Kings-Would have thought this team would be doing better than 17th, but you never know.
18.Capitals-Dear Ovechkin. Have you been playing lately?  I haven't noticed.
19.Devils-Wow...I thought the Devils would have been farther down, maybe this was a typo...
20.Predators-All these signing issues going on.  Can they really get the signing hat trick with Rinne, Weber and Suter?  First two down, one to go.
21.Lightning-These guys are way too good to be down here.
22.Senators-Well...not to be rude, but they were gonna start sucking sometime.
23.Canadiens-Anyone else see that whole "not whistled when frozen, oh look they scored" issue? Funny as hell.
24.Jets-Still fun as hell to watch them play.  Let's ask Philly if they agree.
25.Avalanche-Duchene is among my favorite players right now.  I've spent the last week wishing I drafted him into my pool.
26.Hurricanes-Skinner...only real thing happening right now.
27.Flames-Hahahaha...No fricken' comment!
28.Islanders-Grabner had a nice Shorthanded Goal the other day.
29.Ducks-WTF! Why are you way down here?
30.Blue Jackets-Seeing as how Nash is my favorite player...would really like to see this rank changed.


Judging by the Cover: The Last Wolf of Ireland
Author: Elona Malterre

    This small book is among my favorites of all time.  Never have I ran across such an amazing story.  In a small Irish village, it follows a young boy who falls in love with 3 wolf pups who he adopts after their mother is killed by a hunter.  The tale is both gripping and honest. 

  Calgarian author Elona Malterre should be praised for her ability to draw emotion from the reader.  Upon finishing the book, the reader has no choice but to contemplate the story.  I guarantee you will feel everything she intended you to.


Not Just a Game
Zelda: The Adventure Continues.

  So, yes, eventually the video game section will contain other games, but for now, and probably the next swarm of entries, will all be focused on Zelda.  Why? Because it is awesome, and other games I review will not be out yet. 


   I remember the day my parents bought a Super Nintendo.  I did not get to play it.  Instead, I watched as my parents played the first bit of what would become my favorite all-time video game.  Zelda: A Link to the Past was incredible for it's time.  With a multitude of enemies, a large map, and more secrets than thought possible, LttP paved the way for Zelda games today. 

 *The newest addition, Skyward Sword, has brought the bug net back!  This has been missing since LttP!  My life is complete.*

 Link to the Past has not been lost to the Zelda Fan.  While the graphics are not what they are today, many things from this game can be found today.  Kakariko village has been a cornerstone in the land of Hyrule, as well as Death Mountain and Lake Hylia.  The Master Sword has been part of the game forever, as well as certain elements from the game and the temples within. 

Some things though, can only be experienced with LttP.  Some things I miss incredibly are:
Pegasus boots-Allows you to dash into objects, knocking things over and breaking certain items.  Always good for knocking a tree so hard rupees fall out.  (Or a swarm of angry bees, which is fun to watch someone else get attacked by!)
Magic Powder-you could turn these electric pickle guys into a weird brown thing.  Not terribly exciting but still cool.
The Chest-This chest was found in the blacksmith shop in the Dark World.  When you go to open it, it states "Because the key is locked inside the chest, you can never open it.  Just take it with you".   Sounds good enough.  Until the fricken' thing follows you.  EVERYWHERE.  Gah...annoying.
The Cane of Bynra-a staff that allows you to swing around invincibly, acting as both a force field and a way to attack enemies.  God I miss you. 
Book of Mudora...something about this seems cool to allows you to gain entry to the second temple.
Views Under Review.

Here we will showcase 3 movies that I have watched.  Ratings will be based in percentage form.  5 different areas of criticism will be involved.  Creativity, Originality, Entertaining, Inspiring, Purpose.
(I am a heavy critic.  Any score over 50% is deemed watchable, anything over 70% is recommended.)

Today, since it is the start, I will only feature one.  Winning the movie lottery today is:

The Book of Eli
  Remarkable story of Post-Apocalyptic Earth.  Many have died as the catastrophic wars ripped our world apart.  Protagonist (Eli) is on a mission to bring his prized possession (a King James Bible) to an undisclosed location.  Filled with awe-inspiring moments, spiritual enlightenment and a lesson on the power of will, this movie is sure to entertain.  Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman and Mila Kunis all play their roles superbly.
Originality 8/10
Entertaining 10/10
Inspiring 9/10
Purpose 10/10

Book of Eli rated at 92%.  This movie is highly recommended.
Little Ditties from the City

  Much like the Movie Section, three songs will be showcased weekly.  All genres will be included to give a wider range of selection.  Songs will not be rated, but rather commented on.  Today will once again only have one selection as it is the first day.

 The song for this week is:

  Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5.

Normally I would not put a song like this to start of the day, but this needs to be said.
First off, Mick Jagger is now 68 years old.  This means his moves are severely limited.  I bet I have moves that he cannot do.  Sure he has more women...who doesn't?
Secondly, catchiness of a tune does not give you "good song" status.  You know what else has a catchy tune? Barbie Girl by Aqua. 

The Court of Logan finds this song supremely annoying beyond all reasonable doubt.  It is hereby sentenced to not have any merit, at least until Mick Jagger wins a season of Dancing with the Stars.


Every paper, real or pretend, needs a horoscope section.  Problem is, I have no "psychic" to write them.  So some days I will be serious and right them properly, some days will purely be humorous.  Take your guess as to what today's are!

AQUARIUS: I see something to do with Camels in your future this week. 

PISCES: Remember to take time for yourself this week.  If your boss does not agree, tell him it is because your reliable online horoscope told you to tell him to shove it.  *Logan's Letter cannot be legally held responsible for your own personal choices in dealing with your boss*

ARIES: As the sign based on the God of War, would it not make sense to get into a fight today?

TAURUS: Take the bull by the horns and get back to work.  You should not be reading this crap anyway.

GEMINI:  Go for the Tuna know you waaaaant it.

CANCER: If your name has more than four vowels in it, steer clear of petting that cat.  You know which cat I'm talking about.

LEO: You do not have the moves like Jagger.  I'm sorry.

VIRGO:  You need to do more with your life.  It's calling for you.

LIBRA:  Perhaps a change of clothes is in order.

SCORPIO: You will find motivation to change the world this week.  Capture it.

SAGITTARIUS: You will see a butterfly this week.  Capture it.

CAPRICORN:  Remember to enjoy the little things.  Unless its a black jube-jube. Feel free not to enjoy that.

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