Monday 13 August 2012

*UPDATE* August 13/2012

  Sigh...Two months since the last post.  I can't honestly say why, its been a pretty two full months since my WSOP Vegas trip.  I've been on quite the good run since then, playing a couple small tournaments and cashing them both, including winning a ticket to a $300 dollar event, which I took second for $8000.  So I've been fortunate enough to pay off my vehicle and debts. 

  And these past two months have also been full of lessons.  I lost a dear friend in Brian Morrison, who truly was one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet, and a favorite customer of mine.  He had suffered a heart attack inside our poker room, and passed away en route to the hospital. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.

  Brian lived his life under a basic code of loving those he loved fiercely, and treating himself with the same love.  He was very gracious about his life and never took his people for granted.  He would tell me all about having lunch with his father every wednesday, or about his six children.   He would give advice to my life, all which supported the gentle accusation that Im taking life too seriously.  He loved the game, and we spent much time discussing hands and strategy. 

   I guess you could say I took this news a little harder than expected. He was a true friend.  In these past two months, I've done a lot of soul searching.  I am forever having talks with myself regarding "where am I going with my life?"  Brian would chide me for this, so I am striving to live with only one answer for the rest of my life.  "Forward."  This allows me to accept the fact that I need to live slower and love my life more, while giving myself the grace to go at that speed.  That was my promise to him.  And in that, there were gifts.

  I had a heart to heart with myself, and asked myself what Id like to do with my life as far as work is concerned.  My answer? Not work.  True, not very realistic, but honest.  My main goals involve having a wife and raising kids.  Perhaps it's traditional, but it's what I want.  That means I'll need to work.

  I am going to become a teacher. I love how the job would bring new surprises and challenges, and the money is very acceptable.  I also love the lifestyle.  Weekends off, Spring Break and Easter off, Christmas off, and two months in the summer.   It suits both my family desires and free time desires.


 I have decided to return to school, and any who really know me knows how big that is.  I cant stand school.  I ace tests, but hate homework.  Cant stand it.  But, this must be done.    I have decided to move home. I love living by myself.  I love the quiet.  I love how I can just come home and relax.  But I do not love entire paychecks going to rent.

  I have decided that Logans Letter is now going to follow my impromptu "forward" regime.  Entries will be much smaller, and more numerous.  This means I wont craft one big Mega entry when I have two spare hours, but I'll write about anything I deem relevant at those moments.

  I have decided to start playing poker parttime.  I have never used tracking software on my phone but I have had one session, and I am pleased to say it went well.

  I will be playing with a few goals.  One, the 2013 WSOP is my time.  I am saving money, and what is left over from school goes to that.  I want 2013 to be the year I really cement myself as a player.   But thats in June.

  However, as fortune goes, the World Series Circuit has added River Rock to it's destinations this year.   River Rock is in Richmond BC.  So, if I can get enough of a solid bankroll, I will hope to compete in the circuit this year.  2012 has been good to me, but every poker winnings I've earned has gone to debts and responsibilities.  Now I can play, and play for my future.  So if I do well enough, I'll be BC bound.

 Very Quick Batman Review:  Awesome as hell, confusing ending.

  Thanks again guys,

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