Monday 19 March 2012


                                Tune Me Out

  This week, I reflect on a truly amazing moment that I've had the pleasure of witnessing, as well as I review a couple of songs that I'm dangerously close to adding to the "Must Listen" list.  Perhaps the only thing stopping me from adding them is the fact that I haven't created that list yet.  Oh well.

  Golden Moments:
   Ever have a moment where it literally makes you stop dead in your tracks?  It never seems to be a very large moment, just something small that strikes you as incredibly profound.  Well today I experienced a moment that did just that.  I needed to cross a small grassy patch on the way to work, and in this grassy patch was a worn-in path that I've traveled down many times.  So here I am, at 1:00 in the morning, traversing down the usual path, when I notice a small rabbit standing on the path, doing regular rabbit business.  Now, I am not a rabbit-ologist, but I think I get the bare essence of what they do.  They search for food, reproduce like crazy, and run like hell when scared, which is often the case.  Occasionally you can witness two rabbits fight, which is freaking HILARIOUS.  But that is the extent of Rabbithood. They don't do yoga, eat parfaits or fingerpaint. Boring.
    I start thinking about whether or not I should walk down the path, as I do not wish to disturb him.  Perhaps I will take a wide flank so we both can do our thing in peace.  At this moment I realize how pathetic I am being.  I am yielding to a little rodent who is not likely to live for another month.  So as I approach, Bunny does something I've never seen before.  He turns his back to me.  He watched me walking closer, and proceeded to completely ignore me.  He wasn't even pointing his ears back to listen to me.  So I make the decision to test him, we'll see how many meters he can last before giving in to instinct and taking off.   Ten Meters.  Nothing.  Five Meters.  Rabbit is sniffing the ground, bored.  Three Meters.  Rabbit looks around.  Two Meters.  Rabbit looks at me.  WTF.  You should have been long gone.  One Meter.  I am now looking down at the Rabbit.  He is looking up at me.  We have now connected in our moment and gaze at one another.  I look into the rabbit's eyes and see no fear.  After a long moment, I continue onward, marveling at the small timid creature who was so much more than that in this moment.
Kudos to you, Mr. Rabbit.  Bugs has nothing on you. 

  Siren's Song.

  I have not had my best week.  Coupled with feeling sick the last few days, and just feeling a little low, I was just leaving lots of room for improvement in the coming week.  Some positives have occured though, such as a gentleman coming into the bowling centre who sounded EXACTLY like Davis from Corner Gas.  Down to the laugh.  It was incredible.  

  Also, two songs have worked their way into my life in the last couple days.  The first one is "Purple Sky" by Kid Rock.  Kid Rock? Yes Kid Rock.  Apart from the song "Lonely Road of Faith"  I would not put Kid Rock up on the top of my favorite singers.  Not even close.  Occasionally his songs can fit my mood if I feel like letting the rebel side go, but as that's not my style, normally his music will pass me by without a second look.  Yet, as "Purple Sky" played on the satellite radio at work, it became almost a hit favorite right away.   It's casual honesty was just perfect for my mood, and because it was very easy to listen to, it made me appreciate how Kid Rock is trying to vary in his music a little more. 

The Chorus definitely moved me, enough to bring it here.

"I just want to drink 'til I'm not thirsty,
I just want to sleep 'til I'm not tired,
I just want to drive 'til I run out of highway, into a Purple Sky."

As I write it, I just drift back into awe.  I feel like a message is resonating with me as I connect with the words.  I love how it's not about gaining, achieving, creating or striving.  In my low moment, I do not have to claim anything.  I can simply just be content with what I have right now, until the time of change arrives.  In a weird way, I love how the song is telling us "it's not about being good enough, rather just about having enough"  and I think it's helped me appreciate the fact that I'm doing alright. 

  If "Purple Sky" spoke to me at all this week, then it was nothing compared to this next piece.

 Artist Miranda Lambert is also not one of my favorite artists.  While I do enjoy a lot of country music, her songs usually are a little too raunchy for my liking.  She is very much her own person and that comes through in her music.  Now, I heard a song she released a couple years back for the first time this week, and it takes the messages from "Purple Sky" to an even more extreme level.  I've posted the entire set of lyrics here.

Miranda Lambert
"Heart Like Mine"

I ain’t the kind you take home to mama
I ain’t the kind to wear no ring
Somehow I always get stronger
When I’m on my second drink

Even though I hate to admit it
Sometimes I smoke cigarettes
Christian folks say I should quit it
I just smile and say “God bless”

‘Cause I heard Jesus, He drank wine
And I bet we’d get along just fine
He could calm a storm and heal the blind
And I bet He’d understand a heart like mine

Daddy cried when he saw my tattoo
Said he’d love me anyway
My brother got the brains of the family
So I thought I’d learn to sing

‘Cause I heard Jesus, He drank wine
And I bet we’d get along just fine
He could calm a storm and heal the blind
And I bet He’d understand a heart like mine

I’ll fly away
From it all one day
I’ll fly away

These are the days that I will remember
When my name’s called on the roll
He’ll meet me with two long-stemmed glasses
Make a toast to me coming home

‘Cause I heard Jesus, He drank wine
And I bet we’d get along just fine
He could calm a storm and heal the blind
And I bet He’d understand a heart like mine

Lyrics posted from

I love how she delivers these already-powerful lyrics.  She brings them with an attitude that suggests she is both content with the person she is, and battling her demons at the same time.  She is resolute in the fact that she is good enough and at the same time, she is addressing the fact that she is yearning for Jesus' acceptance.  While I don't share the same religious views as her, I certainly can empathize with her points.  I live a life that sure is far from the holy pure one I could live, and I'd be lying if I was going to change it anytime soon in some regards.  Yet I too believe that despite my bad habits and the wrongs I've done in the past, while I may not deserve anything, I also could be understood one day at the very least. 

  Anyways that's enough rambling.  Hopefully this week finds you well and the music that accompanies your life is enjoyable and meaningful. 


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